Monday, February 28, 2011

Tall Tails

Or, perhaps that should be long tails. �

Summer has finally arrived on the Central Coast of California and with warmer water, south swells, and bait balls. �Bait balls, or large schools of bait fish, are easily observed just offshore. Though you can't generally see the fish themselves, what you can see is often just as impressive. �Large flocks of seagulls, dive-bombing pelicans, a froth of seals and sea lions, and evidently thresher sharks as well.

Thresher Shark, photo:

About a month or so ago, I paddled out with a friend on a classic summer evening; warm water, sunny skies, kine little chest high peelers coming through on the inside bar. �After about 30 minutes or so, we watched in awe as a 6' thresher shark started to destroy some unlucky thing, thrashing wildly only 50' from where we sat! �

The water cleared, and my friend and I eventually went in as well, not from fear of the thresher so much as fear of what might come sniffing around all the blood and noise. �

Later, over an oil can of Fosters on the bluff above the break, I assured my friend that these shark feed on bait fish and that it would be highly unlikely that they would ever bite a surfer (as we watched it cruise right through the line-up). �

Then a few days later the local paper reports that a surfer at this break was treated for puncture wounds from what was suspected to be a small shark. �

I don't really have an end to this story but I thought it was worth sharing all the same. �Any of you out there in the blog-o-sphere have any fish stories to share?

Until next time, keep your feet up.



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We Love Sharks!

A film by Scott Smith about sharks and our obsession with them. On a trip to Mexico, Holly Beck got to swim with whale sharks and dive with great whites.


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Local boys Eric Soderquist (shredda) and Chris Burkard (ace photog) will be rolling out their slick new book The California Surf Project tomorrow night at Moondoggies and then again at SLO Surfrider's�Stokefest on Saturday. �Come out and show some aloha.


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Local boys Eric Soderquist (shredda) and Chris Burkard (ace photog) will be rolling out their slick new book The California Surf Project tomorrow night at Moondoggies and then again at SLO Surfrider's�Stokefest on Saturday. �Come out and show some aloha.


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If I was a Graffiti Artist 2


surf junky

Surfers Studio: An Evening with Jamie Brisick

If you don't know Jamie Brisick, you should. Either the man himself, or his writing -- both are stellar. This Saturday, you can get to know him by way of an event put on by SMASH Surf. Head down to Anthology Film Archives: 32 Second Avenue New York, NY 10003 at 8 PM. Tell 'em China Ty sent you.


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Opportunities for Change

Plastic is the plague of modern times. The amount that makes it to the oceans is astonishing. The Great Pacific Gyre, a confluence of ocean currents in the middle of the Pacific, is collecting a large amount of plastic flotsam. By some reports, the Gyre is a sea of plastic the size of the continental United States.

Plastic photodegrades, it breaks down under the influence of the sun into smaller and smaller pieces. The plastic in the Gyre has degraded to the point that it is the same size as plankton, the basis for the entire food chain in the ocean. Fish are eating the plastic plankton, and dying. Turtles think plastic bags are jellyfish, and birds think lighters are fish. The entire food chain in this area is falling apart.
The beach at Barra is clean- Watercolor by Aubrey

Plastic can travel thousands of miles in ocean currents. Uninhabited islands in the Pacific may have beaches covered in litter from Japan and the US. I have done beach clean-ups in New Zealand and picked up plastic from Asia, half the world away.

The amount of plastic in Mexico and the rest of Central America is shocking. A good 90% of food is packaged in plastic, and then put in a plastic bag at the store. The most insidious are water bottles. The bottled water craze has taken over here in Mexico just like the rest of the world, except here recycling is far less common. The easiest way to get potable water, the most essential element for life, is in a plastic bottle.

Barra de la Cruz is no exception. Plastic water bottles are saved and then taken to Huatulco for recycling. They do not get money for the bottles, they do it because they want to.

We met a cool surfer lady named Kemi who came up with the idea to reuse these aluminum juice bottles by sterilizing them and then painting them for souvenirs, sold filled with water. Aubrey and Jenny got to work on collecting and sterilizing some bottles. Jenny, who came down to do some fun work with us, had brought an assortment of spray paint which was used to paint the bottles.

We figured that they could get 20 refills from a 5-gallon jug, and they could sell each liter at a price that makes it cheaper to refill the bottles than to buy a new plastic bottle but more return per liter than selling individual bottles. This is a three-way win, as the consumer wins by getting cheaper water, the business owners win by getting more return on the water they sell, and the community wins by having less plastic to deal with.

Aubrey gets the kids started

proud of his work

some of the finished products

Several events coinciding spurred us to visit Puerto Escondido again. Our friend Alexis was flying home, the swell had dropped off quite a bit, and there was a paddleboard contest that weekend.

da boyz

Alexis miraculously made her plane on time, the waves were bigger than down south, and we saw the finals of the paddleboard contest. We also tagged along for the after party and got to meet some of the contestants and drink for free!

Fun partying with amigos like Angelo! Good times!

Puerto has grown so rapidly in the last 30 years that there seems to have been little public planning. Three to four story apartment buildings cluster the hillside leading down to the beach. The roads were absolutely torn to bits, and there was a lot of trash on the beach. I wondered what kind of invisible waste was in the water at the famous break, mere feet from two rows of restaurants and hotels presumably on septic.

Puerto Escondido with heavy rains and lots of trash = a dirty beach

Despite being one of the most important tourist beaches in Mexico, there are no public showers or toilets on the beach. One of the contestants in the paddleboard contest donated their prize winnings towards a public shower. Next they need a couple dry composting toilets along the shore.

The sandbars in Puerto were not very good. Still, we caught some fun waves. But we missed Barra and the amazing waves we had the month prior, and longed to return to our new home.

Thus we have returned to the tranquil pueblito de Barra, our casa, and our projects. Stay tuned for more soon!
SWoBies crew Barra: Jenny, Gato, Aubs, y Lorenzo

Until then, here are a few selected shots of some of the surf we were blessed with this last month. (click on images to enlarge)

Loren cuttin' back

another nice one for Aubs

Loren out the back!

single fin fun

Jenny charging it like usual


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Tall Tails

Or, perhaps that should be long tails. �

Summer has finally arrived on the Central Coast of California and with warmer water, south swells, and bait balls. �Bait balls, or large schools of bait fish, are easily observed just offshore. Though you can't generally see the fish themselves, what you can see is often just as impressive. �Large flocks of seagulls, dive-bombing pelicans, a froth of seals and sea lions, and evidently thresher sharks as well.

Thresher Shark, photo:

About a month or so ago, I paddled out with a friend on a classic summer evening; warm water, sunny skies, kine little chest high peelers coming through on the inside bar. �After about 30 minutes or so, we watched in awe as a 6' thresher shark started to destroy some unlucky thing, thrashing wildly only 50' from where we sat! �

The water cleared, and my friend and I eventually went in as well, not from fear of the thresher so much as fear of what might come sniffing around all the blood and noise. �

Later, over an oil can of Fosters on the bluff above the break, I assured my friend that these shark feed on bait fish and that it would be highly unlikely that they would ever bite a surfer (as we watched it cruise right through the line-up). �

Then a few days later the local paper reports that a surfer at this break was treated for puncture wounds from what was suspected to be a small shark. �

I don't really have an end to this story but I thought it was worth sharing all the same. �Any of you out there in the blog-o-sphere have any fish stories to share?

Until next time, keep your feet up.



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Style Master of Santa Cruz


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A Joyous New Year!

These are some wonderful musicians, Nicki and Tim Bluhm. Nicki Bluhm has a new album called Driftwood, coming out very soon and this song will be on it. It's called Stick With Me and they are singing beautiful harmonies with the Golden Gate Bridge as their backdrop. "I don't wanna hear doubts I wanna hear shouts of victory"! Also, please check out Nicki's blog about all things backcountry. It'll make you want to get out there, explore and climb a mountain.

Tim plays with The Mother Hips, a band that I've been a big fan of for many years. I wanted to share this happy tune with you because with the impending birth of the Watson baby, I've been thinking so much of joy. I realized that joy could be the very greatest gift I could give to our son. So I am seeking it out each and every day.

Speaking of which, he is due any day now! Officially towards the end of this month, but maybe he wants to come early. I will definitely post a pic and share the good news once that happens.

I hope you are having a wonderful start to your year - I bet you are, you little rascals!

p.s. Thanks Seamouse!


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Christmas Come Early

Tomorrow night Thomas Campbell's new surf film "The Present" will drop in on SLO Town's historic Fremont Theater. �

Still not convinced? �The very tight and stylish Mattson 2 will open. �



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Fishnet Alert Amstelmeer

In the South-East corner of the Amstelmeer there are 2 nets placed from today 13 till 18 February. I will give an update of the depth of these nets.

Update nets are 20cm under watersurface!! So definitly keep away of these nets


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